Brazil’s coach, Dunga, has been under harsh criticism for a number of technical reasons, like making a conservative selection that lacks flair and inspiration, and for a few personal reasons as well, including his grumpy attitude towards the press, a recent faux-pas involving an awkward handshake with President Lula, and even his questionable sense of fashion.
But the man has proven he deserves credit. For one thing, he has shown consistency in his decisions since taking over as Brazil’s coach in 2006 (see previous post). Moreover, Dunga’s excellent track record, including a win at last year’s Confederations Cup and a top-place finish in the South American World-Cup qualifiers, has earned him the respect he needs to motivate his players to do a good job in South Africa.
So, based on Dunga’s track record, Brazil stands a good chance of winning the World Cup.
As you may have guessed by now, track record means the past performance of a person or organization that can be used to judge what that person or organization is likely to do in the future.
Here are more examples:
Brazil has a track record of underestimating so-called weaker sides and this could be their undoiing if they're not careful.
[A seleção tem como retrospecto subestimar os times teoricamente mais fracos, e por isso o Brasil pode desmoronar se não tomar cuidado.]
Check out the company’s track record, past and present clients and references before hiring them.
[Verifique o histórico da empresa, seus clientes antigos e atuais, além de suas referências, antes de contratá-la]
Brazil has a strong track record on addressing HIV/AIDS.
[O Brasil tem forte tradição no combate ao HIV/AIDS.]
The expression track record is informal in tone.
É isso aí!
If you post yet another text about Dunga, then you should change the name of the blog to "Extra soccer classes". Just kidding! ; )
I just thought this would be my chance to fill you in on a thing or two about soccer, you know. ;)
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